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Help us build a world where everyone has a home.

HomePods.org encourages the design and construction of tiny, insulated, secure, comfortable, weather-proof, visually appealing micro-dwellings for people who are homeless.

Not quite a HomePod

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German Sleeping Pod

These sleeping pods fulfill about half of the criteria we would like HomePods to meet. It’s a good start, submitted by Ruth Anderson.  There are…

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1976 St Boniface Journal Article

Paul Dugas (Stallion) was interviewed by reporters for the “St Boniface Journal” in 1976.  He had just ridden his bicycle from Winnipeg to New Brunswick…

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1976 “l’evengeline” Article

Paul Dugas (Stallion) was interviewed by reporters for “l’evengeline” in 1976.  He had just ridden his bicycle from Winnipeg to New Brunswick in only 19…

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